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A statement from our Board:

The Colorado Society for Clinical Social Work (CSCSW) stands with our sister organizations in opposition to the Trump Administration's so-called "travel ban," which disproportionately targets Muslim-majority countries and discriminates against a specific group of people based on religion, national origin, and immigration status. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Professional Code of Ethics compels us as social workers to reject these efforts and to work "to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of all people."

As clinical social workers, we are prepared and eager to serve clients with beliefs that span the political spectrum, recognizing the dignity and worth of all people. Simultaneously, we speak truth to power, and we understand the impact of "environmental forces [to] create, contribute to, and address problems in living" (NASW). We regard it as our ethical duty to publicly reject efforts by those in power to disenfranchise, oppress, dehumanize, and discriminate, which is the continuing outcome of this Administration's rhetoric and policies. CSCSW stands in solidarity with other organizations in this country and across the world that will fight for the rights of all, and especially the vulnerable.

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What is Social Work?
What is Social Work?
Social work is a discipline dating back to the early 20th Century, when it originated to serve the most vulnerable populations. Whether focusing on social welfare, housing access, or immigrants’ rights, social workers have been on the front lines of social justice efforts. Social work is predicated on the ecological model, which locates a human being in relationship to her environment, rather than solely based on a person’s presumed psychological or physiological traits. By targeting the environmental conditions, social workers aim to alleviate injustice and suffering through advocacy, case work, therapy, and other skills.
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What is Clinical Social Work?
What is Clinical Social Work?

Clinical social workers have a masters or doctorate in social work and in addition to being trained as social workers, often provide psychotherapy to individuals, families, and groups. We believe that “everything is clinical,” in that the clinical social worker brings together an understanding of environmental dynamics and the effects of disenfranchisement, while also weaving in varying psychological theories. This allows for the clinical social worker to assess, diagnose, conceptualize, and intervene based on the complicated forces that impact all motivation to change, whether in an individual, a family system, an organization, or a nation.

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More about Clinical Social Work
More about Clinical Social Work
Clinical Social Workers…
  • provide the majority of mental health care services in the nation;
  • work in agencies, clinics, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, businesses, and private practices;
  • are licensed in all fifty states;
  • are recognized as autonomous providers of mental health care services in private insurance plans;
  • have been guaranteed client confidentiality by the Supreme Court;
  • are recognized as independent providers of mental health services by all federal programs.
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How can I connect with other social workers?
How can I connect with other social workers?

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